Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training

It is fashionable. Training at high intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of training that alternates moments of great intensity (anaerobic) with periods of low-medium or even complete rest intensity. It sounds too simple to be effective, but the science is very clear about it. Now you could see eight considerations to keep in mind about interval training high intensity.


You have little time? Interval training is ideal if you have a busy schedule, since it will not take more than 20 minutes. Research shows that only 15-20 minute intervals can make greater progress than running at an easy pace for 1 hour.
According to a study by the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) after 2 weeks of high intensity intervals, improves aerobic capacity as much as 6-8 weeks of long-term training.

Burn more fat

 Not only burn more calories during high intensity interval training (HIIT), but it'll also burn more fat and calories in the 24 hours after exercise.

One study was carried out with three groups of women. One group did not perform any exercise, the second group was assigned to a program of traditional cardio at a steady pace (resistance). The third and last group was assigned to a program of cardio intervals, alternating times of maximum effort with rest periods. The study was carried out for 15 weeks and the findings were as follows:

- As expected peak aerobic endurance of both groups increased.
- The interval group lost weight, while the control group and traditional cardio did not. What is more important, the interval training group lost 5.5 pounds (2.5kg) of fat while the group of (traditional) static cardio gained 0.7 pounds (318gr) fat.

- What is most interesting, the 4 women intervals group lost less fat were also those who were more defined at the beginning of the study. If these women had been taken from the study, the mean loss of the group had been raised to 8.7 pounds of fat (3,95kg).

- The interval group had significantly reduced abdominal fat in the central area, while the other two groups had a small (statistically insignificant). Besides a slight tendency was observed in the group of intervals to lose fat in the leg area.

Healthier Heart

Most people never run in his aerobic threshold, or an aerobically (without oxygen) out of fear or ignorance. They prefer to walk fast and so believe that they will lose an awful lot of fat. Another study in 2006 showed that after 8 weeks of doing HIIT, subjects could do cycling twice as long as before the study began, keeping the same pace, which had been significant improvements in cardiovascular health and increased maximum volume of oxygen.

No Equipment is required

Running, biking, jumping rope, rowing ... Any of these activities can be done with little material. Any quick exercise of power, such as jumping to a certain height, it can also serve as HIIT training without any specific and expensive material.

Lose Weight, Not Muscle

Anyone who has tried to lose weight or lose fat, you know how difficult it is not to take muscle mass ahead. It is known that performing long cardio promotes fat oxidation, but also causes muscle catabolism. Studies show that both weight training, such as HIIT allow so precious preserve muscles while ensuring most of the weight loss from fat stores. You have nothing to lose, only win and win.

Metabolism and Increase Growth Hormone

In addition to burning fat and muscle preserver, HIIT stimulates production of growth hormone (HGH) by up to 450 percent 24 hours after completing their training. This is great news since HGH is not only responsible for higher calorie burn but also slows down the aging process, making younger inside and out!

Do it anywhere

You can do it on a boat, you can do with a goat. You can do it here or there, anywhere ... Because all you need is a lot of intensity for a short period of time, followed by a recovery period and go repeating it, for a maximum of 20 minutes.


It is a challenge, a challenge. You cannot carry out reading a magazine or talking to the neighbor or neighbor. It should be clear that it is very intense and we have to be fit to carry it out. Therefore before any health problems either heart disease, hypertension etc, it is better consulting a doctor.

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